To better understand how modern construction methods can fuel health, safety and sustainability, we speak to Ziad Abbout – Senior Health, Safety and Environment Manager at Amana Group.
Saudi Projects: In recent years, there have been major improvements to health and safety in the construction industry. However, modular building can help improve health and safety even further – so can you share the top three health and safety benefits of modular construction?
Ziad Abbout: Modular construction creates a safer building environment by reducing manpower requirements by 30%. It allows for much lower waste rates than an open construction site, and it improves worker safety by up to 70%. Furthermore, as modular construction shifts up to 85% of construction to a factory environment, on-site repetitive and hazardous activities can be automated, resulting in improved health and safety.
SPM: How many accident-free hours has Amana enjoyed on the TRSDC projects, and how does this compare to more traditional construction?
ZA: Amana Group reported 20 million man-hours worked which was also the number of man-hours worked with no lost time injury (LTI) in 2020. For The Red Sea Development Company projects, Amana Group reported 2,285,229 man-hours worked: the same number of accident-free hours. Thus, for all man-hours worked, Amana and TDRSC projects have reported no accidents. This stellar safety record with zero incidents or accidents reported would be unheard of in a traditional construction project of this size and scale.
SPM: Explain a typical day at work for health & safety personnel at Amana?
ZA: Amana Group’s health and safety team perform a wide range of tasks on a regular basis. Morning meetings with the foreman and supervisors are held to discuss the day’s work.
Risk evaluations are carried out with the aim of lowering the risk. Employees are mandated to obtain a permit to work (PTW) alongside all relevant paperwork such as job-specific risk assessments. Regular site inspections to ensure safety procedures are implemented and adhered to.
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